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Little Seneca Lake (Black Hill)

Fish On Bass Anglers Derby Tournament
Black Hill Regional Park
20930 Lake Ridge Dr Boyds, MD 20841
For exact ramp location, please refer to the map below
Tournament Format:
Weigh-In Format:
Catch Weigh Release
Notification/Payment Deadline:
Tournament Details:
All questions should be sent to Greg Snider and Logan Summers.
No FOBA participation or placement points will be awarded for this tournament – it is not a FOBA regular season event.
There will be a cash award for one place for every 5 boats. Example: 10 Boats pays Top 2 boats.
This is a team tournament.
This will be a semi-closed tournament, at least one person from each team is encouraged to be a FOBA member. If you already have a partner you would prefer to fish with who is not a FOBA member, please contact the Tournament Director.
Each person (boater and co-angler) is responsible for finding their own partner, and there are no restrictions on the participants except as noted above.
Any type of boat may be used for this tournament, as long as it will hold two anglers safely.
Each team will pay a $50 entry fee.
$10.00 from each team will go to FOBA as a donation.
The remaining $40 from each entry fee will be paid out in tournament awards.
Payment will be due IN CASH ONLY at the ramp on the morning of the tournament. Once the tournament participants have been launched, there will be no refunds under any circumstances.
For more information and tournament history, please see:
All tournaments are subject to change based on weather and safety conditions.
For directions to the exact ramp location, click the "Google" icon in the lower left-hand corner of the map below to launch Google Maps in a new window.
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